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| Novr. 11th 1869 #249 * | Treasury Department. Wm. A. Richardson. Asst. Secy. LB vol 6. Novr. 11 '69. File | Washington D.C. November 10th 1869. Forwards deed executed by Secy. Try to E.L. Deane for Marine Hospital property at Charleston S.C., together with draft for $8,000. balance of purchase money due. |

| Novr. 15th #250 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. Novr. 15th Refd. to C.Q.M. for examination. Novr. 16th Recd. back E.B. vol 6. p 26. | Nashville Tenn. November 10th 1869. Forwards for approval contract with Danl. Brazleton for furnishing materials for repairs of school house in Franklin Coy. |

| Novr. 16th #251 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Edn. Novr. 16th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination. Novr. 19th Recd. back. E.B. Vol 6. p. 30. | Nashville Tenn. Novr. 12th 1869. Forwards contract with David Peebles for repairs &c. to Lookout Mountain Institute amt'g to $68.75 |

| Novr. 19th #252 * | Treasury Dept. Wm. A. Richardson Act'g Secy. L.B Vol 6. Novr. 24 '69. File | Washington D.C. November 17th 1869. Transmits commn. of Watkins James, Asst. Assessor 7th Dist. Va. Woodstock, Shenandoah Co. Va. asking if the Govt. intends to set up a claim to certain piece of land in Strasburg purchased by Genl. Echols for the Confed. States govt. |

| Novr. 25. #253 | Thomas, Wm. H. Box 434. See L.B. Vol 6. Novr. 25 '69. Novr. 26 Refd to Miss A.M. Hathaway, Matron Orphan Asylum. | Delaware, Delaware Co Ohio November 21st 1869. Wishes to adopt a colored girl 8 or 9 years old. |

| Novr. 25. #254 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Edn. Novr. 25. Refd. to J.W. Alvord. | Nashville Tenn. Novr. 20 '69. Forwards schedule of schools & rental a/cs for $100. of Epl. Home Miss. for ten months ending June 30 '69. |

| Novr. 25th 1869. #255 | Treasury Department. E.B. Elliott Novr. 25th Refd. to C.D.O. who will furnish the information requested. Decr. 4. Recd. back. E.B. vol 6. p. 46. | Washington D.C. November 23rd 1869. Desires to obtain a statement of expenditures on a/c of Freed. Bureau for the fiscal years 1864-5-6-7-8- & 9. |

| Novr. 25. #256 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Edn. Novr. 25th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination. Novr. 26. Recd back E.B. vol 6. p. 39. | Nashville Tenn November 22nd 1869. Forwards for approval contract with Mess. Willard, Allen & Cowan for repairs to school building at Marysville. |

| Novr. 26. #257 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. Novr. 26. Refd. to C.Q.M. for examination. Novr. 30. Retd. E.B. vol 6 p 41 | Nashville Tenn. November 23rd 1869. Forwards for approval contract with J.S. Dawson for construction of school building near Paris, Tenn. |

| Novr. 26. #258 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. Novr. 27 Retd. approved. | Nashville Tenn. Novr. 23 '69. Forwards copy of deed conveying to trustees site for school building in the 13th Civil Dist & recommends an appn. of $125 to aid in erecting a building. |

| Novr. 30. #259 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. Novr. 30. Retd. approved. The appn. authorized for Sneedsville is hereby transferred to Charlotte | Nashville Tenn. November 27th 1869. Requests that the word Sneedsville in the enclosed commn. (T.233) be changed to Charlotte. |

| Novr. 30. #260 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. see T 282 Novr. 30. Refd. to C.Q.M. for examination. Decr. 3. Recd. back. E.B. vol 6. p. 43. | Nashville Tenn. Novr. 27, 1869. Forwards deed transferring to Nelson McGavock a lot of land at Sneedsville Tenn. for educational purposes, & recommends that $225. be expended in enclosing it. |