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| Augt 5th 1869. #118 | Virginia R.M. Manly, Supt. Education. Augt 6th Retd. approved. Proper vouchers will be made out & forwarded to this office. | Richmond Va. August 3rd 1869. Requests authority to expend $90. in repairing buildings at Dills Bakery and Navy Hill for school purposes. |

| Augt 6th #119 * | Virginia. R.M. Manly Supt Education. Augt. 6th Referred to C.D.O. Letter of transmittal rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. WGP. | Richmond Va August 5th 1869. Forwards report of Persons & Articles hired during July 1869. |

| Augt. 13th #120. | Virginia R.M. Manly Supt. Education. Augt. 18th Recd back. E.B. Vol 5. p 495 Augt. 14th Retd. to know whether title to land upon which these buildings stand is vested in Trustees for perpetual school purposes. | Richmond Va. August 12th 1869. Forwards approved request of Saml. H. Jones. Supt. F.F. Assn. of N.Y. that $100. $80. & $80. be appropriated to finish school houses already commenced at Beaver Dam, Green Bay & Bethany in Hanover co Va. |

| Augt. 13th #121 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education Augt 14th Retd. approved. Proper vouchers will be made out & forwarded to this office. | Richmond Va. Augt 12th 1869. Recommends appn. of $100. for purchase of building material for school house at Cherry Hill, & $50. for same purpose at White Stone, Lancaster Co. & states that in both cases the freedmen own the land & will contribute all necessary labor. |

| Augt. 13th #122 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education Augt 14th Retd. approved. Proper vouchers will be made out & forwarded to this office. | Richmond Va. Augt 12 '69. Requests authority to rent the following named places for use as Freedmens schools: House at Lawrenceville, Brunswick Co. @ $10. per month. Room at Reedy Church, Caroline Co. @ $10. and Room near Charlotte C.H. @ $5. |