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| Augt 23rd 1869 #192 | Williams S.W. Att'y #453 14th St 4 Encl Aug 23. Returned. This Bureau has at no time had any appropriation for the settlement of this class of claims nor any authority for the payment of the same | Washington D.C. Augt 23d 1869. Encloses letter addressed to 1st Auditor of the 20th inst. also forwards all the papers pertaining to the claim of John H Raybun late US Depty Marshal Dist of Miss for services rendered. Amt claimed $250.04/100. |

| Augt. 26th #193 | War Dept. | Washington D.C. Refers certificate of payment of Special Tax on Claim Agent of F.D. McElwain, of Washington C.H. Ohio, for year ending May 1st 1870. |

| Augt. 27th #194 * | War Department. John Potts. Chief Clerk. See K.68. vol. 14 '69. Augt. 27th Referred to C.D.O. for payment. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | Washington D.C. August 25th 1869. Transmits for payment Printing a/c of Louisville Courier Journal amt'g to $4.00 |

| Augt. 28th #195 * | Whittemore, James M Capt & Bt. Major. 4 Encl. Augt 31st Retd. E.B. Vol 5 p 510 Sept 6. Recd back with report Sept 7th CDO. E.B. vol 5. p 517. Rec'd back. Aug 8/74. WGP. | Watertown Arsenal. August 25th 1869. Forwards recommended claim of Richard George Jones, late Sergt. Co. "C". 7th infty. for services rendered as Inspector of the places of destitute freedmen |

| Augt 31st #196 | War Department. John Potts Chief Clerk. Augt. 31st Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington D.C. August 30th 1869. States that the "Commercial Advertiser and Times", published at Oswego N.Y. has been placed on the advertising list of that Dept. |

| August 31st 1869. #197 | War Department. John Potts. Chief Clerk. Augt. 31st Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington D.C. August 30th 1869. States that the "Vancouver Register" published at Vancouver Washington Territory, has been placed on the advertising list. |

| Augt. 31st #198 | War Department. E.D. Townsend. Adjutant General Augt 31st Referred to W.P. Drew  Sept 3d Recd back with report & returned to Secty of War EB P 512 Vol 5 | Washington D.C. August 30th 1869 Request infn. relative to certificate in claim of Allen Nevil late Corpl. Co "K" 111th U.S.C.T. for commutation of rations, mailed to him thro' Bu. R.F. & A.L. at Decatur Ala. August 13th 1867. |

| Sept. 1st #199 | War Department. Jno. A. Rawlins. Secretary. Sept. 2nd Retd to Saml Beldon with inf. that this Bu. has no facilities for granting transportation. Attention invited to Cir. No. 2. | Washington D.C. August 31st 1869 Refers request of Sarah Belden of Middleburg Va. for transportation for a family of six person from Silver Run Ala. to Middleburg Va. |

| Septr. 1st #200 | War Department. John Potts. Chief Clerk. 4 Enclo Septr. 2nd Referred to Lt. Hicks thro. Supt. Ed. Texas, whose attn. is invited to endt. from War Dept. | Washington D.C. August 31st 1869 Returns report of W.H. Hicks 1st Lt. R.Q.M. 4th Cav. Austin, Texas, returning advt'g a/c No. 1530, Galveston Bulletin, $24.75, with the information that the instructions of Oct. 7 '67 prohibit more than six insertions of any advertisement, & provides that "whenever an officer is of opinion that any advt. should be inserted more than six times, he will report the case to the head of his Bu. for orders. Invites attention to endt. of July 19 '69. |

| September 1st #201 * | War Department Jno A Rawlins Secy of War File | Washington D.C. Septr 1st 1869 Instructs the Commr. to treat the buildings erected for school purposes in D.C. as he has been instructed to do with those in other districts. |