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| Septr. 14th 1869 #211 | War Department. Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk. Septr. 14th Referred to CQM | Washington D.C. Septr. 13th 1869. States that the "Carlisle Herald" published at Carlisle Pa has been placed on the advertising list of the War Dept. |

| Septr. 16th #212 | Whaley Robert Sept. 18th Referred to D.L. Eaton, for publication in Savings Bank paper if it can be done without expense to the Govt. | Humboldt, Tenn. September 12th 1869. States that he left his wife Liza Whaley at Jerry Morton's on 4½ Street bet. H & I Streets in May 1866 & is now anxious to have her with him, & that if she is found and is willing to come to him he will pay her fare to that place. |

| Septr. 18th #213 * | Wager, John H. Agent &c. File Sept 20th Resptflly forwarded (See EB 535 vol 5) Recd back with copy of letter from Secty of War to Atty Genl | Hunterville Ala. Septr 16th 1869. Forwards affidavit of Prisy Turner (cold.) who was assaulted by men in disguise, & states that it is impossible to get the civil authorities to prosecute the case. Recommends that the complainant be furnished with an Attorney, & that these papers be submitted to the President. |

| Sept 18th #214 * | Warner, Yardley. File see LB Vol 5 Sept 21 69 | Germantown Pa. Septr. 16th 1869. Thanks the Commr. for his prompt attention to the Land agency & asks if he will accept Treasurer's responsibility and suffer his name to go with an appeal or manifest for soliciting subscribers. Encloses sketch of the organization & requests its return. |

| September 21st 1869 #215 | Wright James | Bristol England Decr. 1st 1868. Forwards check for £15. in accordance with instructions from Mr Miller and gives an interesting account of the work in progress at the New orphan Houses Nos 4 & 5, & asks Mr. Knights prayers that these houses may become the spiritual birth place of many young souls. |

| Septr. 22d #216 | Washburn Andrew Supt of Pub Schools Richmond Va Sept 24th Referred to Mr Manly Supt of Ed for Va | Washington D.C. Sept 20th 1869. States that they are in trouble relative to school arrangements in Richmond, in view of Cir of Aug 14, 1869. Rents were estimated at about $4000. & the number of Teachers wholly paid by the City is such that the per capita rental will amt to about as much more, that the poverty of the City forbids the hope of an additional apptn. and refers to an interview with the Comr in which he was promised aid &c. States that he explained the whole matter to Mr Alvord &c &c  |

| Septr. 22nd #217 * | Watson C T Agent &c. File | Helena Ark Sept. 20th 1869. Having been appointed Post Master at that place, hereby resigns his appointment as Agent, Bureau RF & A.L. |

| Septr. 24th #218 | Webber E M Agent &c. Sept 24th Referred to Chief Qr Mr | Richmond Va Sept 23rd 1869 Forwards Requisition for Fuel & Stationery for Quarter ending Decr. 31, 1869. |