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| September 24th #219 * | War Department Secty of War.  Filed | Washington D.C. Sept 23rd 1869 Forwards from Executive Dept care of Mr M.E. Saunders of Lunenburg Co Va who desires compensation for services food & clothing rendered to destitute & sick freedmen &c &c Sept. 25 Returned to Secty of war with report that there are no funds under the control of this Bureau from which the payment of within requested can be made |

| Septr. 25th #220 * | Warner Yardly Filed Wrapper & 2 Enclosures
See L.B. Vol 5 Sept 30th 1869 See L.B. Vol 5 Sept 29th '1869 to Mr Peabody | 
Germantown Sept 24th 1869  Refers to a letter recd. from Wm. B. Collins dated 17th inst in which he states that on his way from NY to his home he had a conversation with the Commissioner relative to the proposed plan for Homestead for freedmen and since parting with him (Genl H) it has occurred to him how it would be to have him take charge & control of the concern. States that he had written previously in regard to the Treasuryship & the answer recd indicates that they cannot effect any active participation, but he can see no reason for a drawback every step increases his confidence. his friend writes despondingly, which has prompted the enclosed letter to Geo Peabody which he submits for the disposition of the Commissioner as he does not know the address of Mr. P. Refers to the purchase of land he has made for their Asstn. at Greensboro Hillsboro &c & states that he does not intend to be easily failed in this. As soon as there is ripeness or propriety he desires to see the Commissioner and have a full canvasing of the main subject, and asks let us not foreclose it on suspicion or faithless surmises. Shall we go on or Stop? Further states that the plans proposed in his letter to Mr. Peabody creates by its working legal truth both in the fire and Supt which will hold them to their duty as firmly as any consideration can hold them. Also that this writing is all outside & unconnected with the Freedmen Association." |

| Sept 28" 1869 #221 * | Warner Yardley 1 enclo (wrap) File | Germantown Pa Sept 25" 1869 Forwards letter of W.F. Mitchell stating that Dennis Smith has purchased 600 acres of land near Mount Vernon Va and he is willing to sell 200 acres of it on reasonable terms. |

| Sept 30th #222 | Warner Yardley File | Germantown Pa Sept 29 1869 Encloses Mr McKenzie map has corresponded with him. |

| Sept 30th #223 | War Department A.G.O. | Washington D.C. Sept 29th 1869 Forwards for evidence application in the Claim of Thos O Sarkin vs United States. Mr. Dickey Asst Atty Genl Court of Claims applies to the War Dept on behalf of the Govt in this case. He makes this application upon an intimation that Larkin has had some transactions with the War Dept that may possibly have some bearing on this case. The claim of Larkin is for compensation as Naval Storekeeper at Monterey Cal in 1847-8. What is desired is to know whether he has had any transactions with the War Dept from which the Govt may be entitled to a setoff counter claim or claim for damages. Sept 30th 1869 Returned to AGASA, no record of any transaction with Mr Thos O Larkin can be found on the books of this Bureau. |

| Oct 1st #224 * | War Department W.T. Sherman Secty of War | Washington D.C. Sept 29th 1869 Directs that three (3) days leave of absence may be allowed persons to go home & vote but that no desemination be made for partisan preferences. |