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| Novr. 11th 1869 #261 | War Department. Wager Swayne Coll & Bt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A. Novr. 15th Retd. to Secy of War with copies of orders under which this property was first seized and afterwards restored to the owners thereof. May 11. E.B. vol 6. p. 176. | Washington D.C. November 10th 1869. Refers for report & copy of order referred to, request of Sidney Sanders of Springfield, Mass. that he be furnished with certified copy of the order restoring to the heirs of the late Commodore Lavalette, certain property in Memphis Tenn. |

| Novr. 11th 1869. #262 * | War Department. E.D. Townsend. Adjt. General. File | Washington D.C. November 10th 1869. In reply to request of 3rd inst. for assignment of Brvt Capt. Chas. W. Keys, to duty in this Bu., states that he was at his own request relieved from duty in the War Dept. because of his inability to do duty as officer of the [[day?]]. |

| Nov. 12th #263 | War Department. Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk Novr. 13th Referred to CQM. | Washington D.C. Novr. 9th 1869. States that the Cincinnati Commercial has been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Nov. 12th #264 | War Department. Jno Potts. Chief Clerk Novr. 13th Refd to CAM | Washington D.C. November 9th 1869. States that the Ottumwa Weekly Courier, Ottumwa, Iowa, has been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Novr. 12th #265 * | War Department. W.T. Sherman. General USA File Nov. 12th Referred Supt. Edn. Tenn. for any infn. he may be able to obtain in this case. Feby. 25th '70 Recd. back. E.B. vol 6. p. 118. | Washington D.C. November 12th 1869. States that Randolph Wiggins desires information as to the whereabouts of his mother Clarissa Wiggins, formerly a slave of Wiley Wiggins who resided in Fayette Co. West Tenn. |

| Novr. 13th 1869. #266 | Whittemore, Hon B.T. see W.274 Novr. 15th Refd. to Genl R.K. Scott. Writer informed of reference. | Darlington S.C. November 5th 1869. States that in 1868 Saml. Gregg of Cheraw (cold.) received from the Govt. corn & bacon to the amt. of $66.40 & that he expected to pay the lien out of an amt. due him by the Govt. for carrying soldiers and their baggage from Cheraw to different localities, the same having been performed by order of Lieut. Glover U.S.A. & amt'g to $68.75, and requests that the indebtedness of the lien may be canceled by the transfer of the other a/c, or that one may effect the other. |

| Novr. 16th #267 | War Department. Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk. Novr. 16th Refd. to C.Q.M. | Washington D.C. November 13th 1869. States that the San Francisco Alto Californian has been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Novr. 16th #268 | War Department. Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk. Novr. 16th Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington D.C. November 11th 1869. States that War Dpt. order of June 11 '69 is to be construed as requiring advertisements to be published in consecutive issues of the paper. |

| Novr. 19th #269 | Worthington, Jas. S. Room 26. Pension Office. Novr. Refd. to C. Med. Officer. | Washington D.C. November 17th 1869. States that there is an old colored man living on his place at Fort Baker who has been hurt by the falling of an embankment, & desires to know if he can be sent to Freed.s Hospital. |

| Novr. 19th #270 * | War Department. File. Novr. 18th Returned to Sec. War E.B. Vol. 6. p. 29. Novr. 24th Rcd. back with letter from Treasury Dept. granting free entry. | Washington D.C. Refers request of Richd. Cadbury, Treasurer Friends Freed. Assn. of the Phila. for free entry of 14 packages of tracts &c. for gratuitous distribution among freedmen. |