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| Decr. 15. 1869 #293 * | Wood, Joel. For Freed. Comn. of Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends. A 271. vol 15 '69 File | Martins Ferry, Ohio. December 13, 1869. Desires to know the result of application made Novr. 15 '69, for aid in building school house at Jackson Miss. |

| Decr. 18. #294 | War Department. Genl. E. Schriver. Inspr. General. Decr. 20. Forwd. to Secy. Treasury in accordance with endt. of Genl Schriver. | Washington D.C. December 16, 1869.  Commn. of R.H. Higgins in reply to War Dept. letter of Novr. 10th is referred to the Commr. to be by him referred, with previous papers in the case, to the Treasurer of U.S. |

| Decr. 20. #295 | War Department. John Potts. Chief Clerk Decr. 21. Refd. to CQM | Washington D.C. December 16, 1869. States that the San Francisco Daily Chronicle has been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Decr. 20. #296 | War Department. Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk Decr. 20. Refd. to CQM | Washington D.C. December 16, 1869. States that the "Express" at San Antonio vice "Flakes Bulletin" at Galveston, & the "Union" at Houston vice the "Republican" at Austin, Texas, have been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Decr. 20. #297 | Whitten, Jno. W. 1st Lieut. U.S.A. see K.156. vol 15 '69. File | Newport Ky. Decr. 16, 1869. Hopes that the application of Col Runkle for his detail in the Bureau may be favorably considered. |

| Decr. 21. #298 * | War Dept., John Potts Chf. Clerk. File | Washington D.C. Decr. 20 '69. By order of the Secy the Bureau of the War Dept. will be closed on New Years & Christmas days, & during the intervening week the office hours will be from nine until 12 o'clk, & only one half of the clerks will be required to be present. |

| Decr. 23, 1869. #299 | Wager, Jno. H. Agent. Decr. 23. Forwd. to A.G.O. with request that copies of G.O. No. 1. 1863, be furnished this office. Jany 7, 1870. Retd with orders. EB p 81. Vol 6 | Huntsville Ala. Decr. 20' 1869. Requests to be furnished with copies of "Emancipation Proclamation" of President Lincoln. |

| Decr. 22 #300 | Whittemore, B.F. M.C. Jany. 10. Retd. with infor. that Genl. H. has personally investigated this matter and given directions that any evils arising from these collections be corrected as far as practicable. | Washington D.C. Decr. 23, 1869. Forwards comn. of E.C. Baker of Darlington S.C., in which he urges a modification or abolishion of the law relative to collection of advances made to planters & others by the Govt. States that unless something is done for their relief, those whom the Govt. intended to assist will be greatly distressed, &c. |

| Decr. 22. #301 * | Wager, Jno. H. Agent File | Huntsville Ala. Decr. 20 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Annual Report. |

| Decr 27th #302 | War Department John Potts Chief Clerk Dec 31st. Referred to Chief QM. | Washington D.C. Decr 23rd 1869 States that the Sioux City Daily Times published at Sioux City Iowa has been placed on advertising list of War Dept. |

| Dec 29th #303 | War Department AGO. Filed with B.244. Land Division Jany 4, 1870. Referred to Mr Drew Chief of Claim Div | Washington DC Decr 29th 1869 Refers letter of T M. Bayne of Pittsburg Pa calling attention to claim of Harriet Banks (cold) procured thro Freedmens Bureau. |

| Decr 30th #304 | Webber E M Agent & D.O. Jany 4, 1870. Referred to Chief Q.M. | Richmond Va Decr 28th 1869 Forwards Requisitions for Fuel & Stationery for 1st Qr of 1870. |