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Barden N H  33
Burneau Thomas I 64
Bridges Mr  73
Burwell L. D.  104. 226
Bendet J  119
Beeland Jas. M.  131 
Brasil Stephen  132
Barnsley Geo. S.  267
Brannan W. T. C.  269. 360
Barber Menett Lieut  271. 272. 318
Brown James G.  291. 341. 590. 609. 635
Brantley W H.  392. 406. 728
Bartholomew W H. Bvt Maj  487. 491. 501. 509. 510. 582
Brightwell I M  519
Breedlove D K  526
Baker E F Sur'g  532
Cochran Capt  1. 22
Crabtree Capt  6. 50. 66. 141. 156. 535. 640. 648. 682. 725
Casewell James. W.  67
Crawford Simmons  77. 758
Curling. E. B. Col.  165. 498
Colquell T. J.  190
Caldwell J. T. G.  208
Crofton R. E. A. Maj.  280. 298. 299
Campbell L. T.  321
Claybore P D  359. 449. 477. 493
Collins Lewis  372
Clinch D L  439
Crabtree G. T. Capt  442
Crawford Simmon  4. 396
Crofton Bvt Majr  15. 38. 44
Chatman Sofa (freedwoman)  21
Cassels R Q & E M  35. 168
Carling E. B. Col  98. 164