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June 6th

Your communication of the 5th has been recd and I am directed by the Asst. Com'r to say, in reply, that if the Freedpersons referred to can be maintained in Cass Co without expense to the Govt. transportation can be furnished them to that point. Or perhaps they can be more properly cared for in Hospital. The Asst. Com'r desires that you will ascertain definitely concerning this matter so that you can advise as to the most proper means of affording them relief.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt. 
Theo F. Forbes
Lieut & A.A.A.G-

Brien Maguire
Agent Bureau R.F.&AL
Washington Ga.

Transcription Notes:
Don't mark a page as Complete after transcribing only 3 words, even if you can't read it.