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June 8th

I have the honor to acknowledge your dispatch of yesterday, stating that "absolute want is reported near Cartersville, Ga. Please communicate with Gen. G. H. Thomas, and have a month's supply for the destitute at Atlanta, say for four thousand people, and Send a trusted officer there - & Issue half rations or less-" Herewith I enclose a copy of a letter of instructions heretofore sent Agents in that part of the State - from some of whom reports have already been received_ I hope, as I believe, that the cases of real destitution have been exaggerated_ For months past I have been in communication with the Agents of the Bureau in that Section of the State, and have always given aid and assistance in cases of real destitution reported by them_ For instance, Mr. Selvidge, Agent of the Bureau at Dalton, wrote me Some weeks since and gave me the names of some thirty five persons, to whom I have since been furnishing rations, and have promised to continue