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June 21st


Your communication of the 18th inst has been recd and I am directed by the Asst Com'r to reply that your action in the case of Elisha Smith (freedman) vs R Hollis is approved. You will notify Mr Hollis that the writ served upon him by yourself was in accordance with instructions from this Office to the effect "that in counties where there are no civil agents than the Agent nearest to such will have the power to try and determine cases that may be brought before him from such counties". Unless Mr Hollis promptly complies with the order served upon him in this case you will notify him that he will be arrested and punished -

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Theo F. Forbes
Lieut & A.A.A.G-

Jas. T. Harmon - Esq
Agent Bureau R.F&AL.
Butler - Ga