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June 28th

Sometime in April A L Adams Esqr Agent of this Bureau for Montgomery Co presented your application for appointment as Agent of this Bureau for Coffee and Telfair Counties, he was informed that the appointment of any one man for two counties would not be made, but that you would be appointed for either Telfair or Coffee Counties and accordingly you were appointed for the latter County-  In your letter declining this app't. you say you were misrepresented to this Office.  There is no indication of misrepresentation here, and should you desire an appointment for Telfair Co your application will be duly considered- but your Communication of the 18th May indicates that you desire the appt for both Counties or neither

Your Obt Servt
W. W. Deane
Capt & AAG

M. H. McRae
Timber City
Telfair Co Ga