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you will also call on the civil authorities of Clay County to arrest and try the murderers of the freedmen referred to in your report of the 7th inst.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Davis Tillson
Bvt Maj Genl Comd'g
& Asst Com'r

A. Ramsay Nininger
Capt & A.A.G. Inspt. South
Macon Ga.

Transcription Notes:
Alexander Ramsey Nininger. Residence was not listed; Enlisted on 3/10/1862 as a 2nd Lieutenant... Do not hit 'enter' at the end of the written line... when we (transcribers) change the view, it can get wonky. Just type till the end of the paragraph, and hit enter. Also, use "&" instead of "+" unless you're transcribing math.