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July 31st

His Honor
H H Fitzpatrick
Judge of County Court
Warren Co
Warrenton Ga

It has been reported as this office that on Monday the 30th inst While N Gallaher Esq Agent of this Bureau for Warren Co was engaged in trying a case to which a freedman George was Defendant. Mr G having [[strikethrough]] ass [[/strikethrough]] in pursuance of Circular No 4 Series 1865 from this office associated with him to try the case at bar Judge R R. Beck and W R Rickerson. Magistrate.  that a warrant issued [[strikethrough]] by you [[/strikethrough]] for said freedman George was served & George arrested & taken by force from Mr Gallaher - notwithstanding he G. desired that the case might be postponed till Saturday & Gen Tillson consented that all conflict of authority might be