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done away & the case - involving the theft of a watermelon - be turned over to the Court for trial by Mr G.- The invasion of Mr Gallahers office & the forcible arrest of the boy George was evidently done with no intention to injure or affect Mr Gallaher but with the intention of bringing this Bureau into disrepute & of treating its Circulars & orders with public contempt. This [[strikethrough]] act [[/strikethrough]] case therefore must be restored to the position it occupied when the forcible arrest was made & that Mr G. will be instructed in this & all other [[strikethrough]] cases [[/strikethrough]] criminal cases in which freedmen are parties to turn them over to the proper court for trial.

[[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]]
By Command of
Bvt Maj Gen Tillson
W. W. Deane
Bvt Maj & AAG

P.S. If at any time there is any Complaint against Mr Gallaher or any agent of the Bureau it will be investigated & justice done but no contempt of the orders from this Office promulgated through him will be [[strikethrough]] heard [[/strikethrough]] permitted

Transcription Notes:
Edit: "injure or affect Mr Gallaher. but with" - removed period after Gallaher not written in line 7 of letter.