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August 1st

Information having been received at this office that Alexander McGregor (freedman) was shot on or about the 29th day of June last by one Wm Grey (White) in Tatnall County, ten (10) miles from the town of Readsville, (from the effects of which shot he finally died) and that the Civil Authorities have failed, either through neglect or refusal to apprehend and bring to trial the guilty party Wm Grey; Therefore the Ass't Com'r directs that you will notify the Civil Authorities that they must take immediate and effective steps to apprehend and bring to trial this man Grey, and to prevent the future occurrence of these and similar outrages in that county. Otherwise it will become necessary to send a Military force into Tatnall County to aid in maintaining the supremacy of the law and in giving protection to the lives and property of all alike irrespective of color or condition.

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