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if directed - but this was refused and the freedman taken from. before him — evidently with the intention of treating with contempt the Authority of the Ass't Com'r in the person of Mr Gallaher Agent of the Bureau — While anxious to aid in every way the Civil Authorities in carrying into effect the laws of the State which give freedmen equal legal right before the law with white people. — such manifestly intentional contempt of the Authority of Agents of the Bureau will not be tolerated — Mr Gallaher has been instructed when the case is put where it stood previous to the arrest by the Civil Authorities to turn it over to them for trial and in future to turn all criminal cases in which freedmen are parties over to the Civil Authorities for investigation & action reporting such action to this office — Though confident that you had no part in the affair — the Ass't Com'r is satisfied that Mr Gallaher whose course as Agent has always been discreet, prudent, just, and for the interest of all, both white & black — had no intention in this case of bringing about