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August 10th

Your communication of the 6th inst covering report of the Committee of citizens of McIntosh Co. is received

The information on which the communication to the Justices of the Inferior Court was based, did not come from the Bureau Agent of McIntosh Co. but is reliable.

So far, the action of Mr. Pease has been for the public good, and meets with the approval of the Asst. Commissioner. If the people have any just cause of complaint against Mr Pease, the same will same will be carefully investigated.

The report of the committee will be laid before the Asst. Commissioner immediately on his return.

W W. Deane
Bvt Maj. and A.A.G.

Secry. Com. of citizens of McIntosh Co.
Through T. P. Pease. Esq. Agt.
Darien Ga. 

Transcription Notes:
This looks to be the same as the next image so I will transcribe that one.