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August 18th

Your communication of the 15th inst has been received. I am directed by the Ass't Com'r to say, that, it is with Surprise he hears of your having ordered Mr Goulding not to act as Agent of of the Bureau until further orders from yourself or the the Ass't Com'r of Ga  The Officers of the Bureau in this State have been respectfully instructed that the Civil Agents are only Subject to orders from this Office. You are directed to immediately revoke the order given by you to Mr Goulden directing him not to act as Agent &c. If the Statements made against Mr Goulden are substantiated he will be speedily removed from his position as Agent of this Bureau. The Asst Com’r directs that you report without delay your compliance with the above order, and forward to this Office the charges referred to in the above case.

Your Obt Serv’t
T. F. Forbes

Captain J. K. Smith
ASA Commissioner.
Savannah Ga