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August 18th

Your communication of 16th inst has been recd and in reply the Ass't Commissioner directs me to say that you will have the man referred to brought before the Civil Authorities for assault with intent to kill in connexion with the charge of carrying concealed weapons. If they refuse or neglect to act in the matter you will notify them that in compliance with General Orders No 44 AGO herewith enclosed we will be arrested & confined by Military authority until such time as the Civil Authorities may be ready & willing to give the case a fair and impartial trial. Freedmen cannot be punished for carrying concealed weapons unless white persons are equally punished for the same offence. The Ass't Commissioner directs that you report to this office any & all cases wherein freed-people do not receive the same benefit of the law with white persons  If the Civil Authorities are determined not to act fairly & honestly in this matter, then, must Military power be made use of to secure