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August 24."

Your communication of [[20th?]] inst containing the substance of the charge given by the Judge of Miller County to the Grand Jury at the June term of Court, has been received. You will notify the Judge that said Charge is in violation of the Act passed by the General Assembly of the State of Ga during the Sessionof 1865 & 1866, a Copy of which is herewith enclosed, and that the Same will be promptly reported to the higher Authorities for action therein. In the case of the children of the freedwoman Clarissa you are instructed to have the matter brought before the Ordinary M. V. Joplan, (he having executed the instrument of Indentures) and demand that the Indentures be revoked and the children restored to their mother, they having been bound out without her consent thereby rendering the whole proceeding, null & void, and constituting her the proper party, entitled to the custody of said children. In case this demand is not complied with you will report such fact to