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August 25"

Your Report in the case of the outrage, committed upon the family of the teacher of Orphan Scholars in Madison, enclosing a statement from the Mayor relative to the Same, has been received. The Asst Com'r directs me to say that your Report, [[enforcing?]] the different cases referred to you for investigating, is Satisfactory.  You are requested to tender to Hon Thos. J Barney Mayor, Town of Madison, the sincere thanks of the Ass't Com'r for his prompt action on the case referred to, and the assurances given that to the best of his ability and to the extent of this power vested in him, the laws will be faithfully executed without references to man or color

Your Obt Servt
T. F. Forbes

Wm Woods Esqr
Ag't Bureau RF&AL
Madison. Morgan Co Ga