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September 4th


Your communication of July 30th enclosing two affidavits of Freedmen who were driven off by their employers without payment, and stating that you had referred various cases of a similar nature to the Agent of the respective counties in which they occurred, and that in none of these had the freedmen received his just dues, has been laid before the Asst Comr who directs me to say that in cases where parties have been proceeded against by Agents of the Bureau under provisions of Circular No 8 C.S. from this office and they will refuse to make a fair and just settlement with the freedmen as required, you will arrest said parties and keep them in confinement until they are prepared & willing to make the settlement demanded. You are also directed to report all cases that may be brought to your knowledge wherein the Civil Agents of the Bureau are guilty of a dereliction of duty in failing to carry out, in good faith, the provision of Cir 8 above referred to 

Your Obt Servt
T. F. Forbes
Lt & AAG

Capt MS Hil
ASA Com'r Macon Ga