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of civil law, in such manner as to secure justice to all citizens, black & white, and to this end will gladly aid the Civil Officers in the performance of their duties, if desired. This experiment is now being made under the inspection of Military Officers of the United States who are willing and anxious to do everything in their power to make it a complete success. The Government of the United States has not relinquished its right to interfere for the protection of the freedpeople whenever it shall become clearly evident that such interference is necessary to secure justice. You are not authorized to rehear any case which was adjusted by Officers or Agents of this Bureau prior to the issuing of Circular No 4 C.S. from this Office, a copy of which is herewith enclosed, and any attempt to do this on your part will result in your being arrested and held by Military Authority. I should regret exceedingly should it become necessary to pursue this course. And I earnestly hope that upon reflection you will decide to act in a manner more in accordance with justice and equity.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servant
Davis Tillson
Bvt Maj. General
and Ass't Com'r

Hon P. P. Power
Judge, County Court
Miller County Ga