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Sept 12th,

Dear Sir,
Your Communication of 20th July ult, together with Copy of proceedings of a public meeting held at Griffin July 2nd, was handed to me a few days since by Judge Sternes of this City. My absence having prevented the delivery at an earlier date. I regret exceedingly the unfortunate condition of things in your City and County; but, after reading the report of the officer sent, about the time the meeting referred to was held, to investigate the charges against Mr. Swayze, and this officer's subsequent statement of the disregard, in his presence, of the promises made him by citizens - their open, contemptuous defiance of law and justice - I feel unable to act in the matter until after further examination. If the charges against Mr. Swayze can be substantiated to my satisfaction, I will promptly remove him. If however, they are, as he alleges, the result of personal ill will, I cannot do otherwise than sanction him_ with a view to satisfy myself on these points, I will cause further investigation to be made, and