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Sept. 23d


I have the honor to state, that, the freedpeople on Sapelo Island employed by Messrs McBride of New York and Dickson of Savannah have recently pursued a course so injurious to themselves and dishonest toward their employers as to compel me to interfere by Military force to prevent mischievous consequences to both parties. I have the best reason for beleiving that the bad conduct of the freed people is mainly, if not wholy attributable to the evil influence of one Tunis G. Campbell (Colored) formerly an agent of this Bureau upon St. Catherine Island, in consequence of which I have issued Special Orders 130 C.S, copy of which I herewith enclose. Although the contract made by Messrs McBride & Dickson is exceedingly liberal, still early in the season the freedpeople who are parties to it began to show an unreasonable dissatisfaction.  I visited the Island several times, and labored earnestly to show them that they had no just cause of complaint.  My explanations seemed to satisfy them, but soon after they would relapse in their former condition