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When Genl's Steedman & Fullerton visited the Island the freedpeople at my suggestion stated to the Commissioners their reasons for dissatisfaction.  After a full hearing Genl Steedman decided that they were not only treated with justice, but with liberality.  Notwithstanding this, they have continued to disregard their contract, and laterly have refused to recognize it at all.

Since my return, I sent Capt's Campbell & Crabtree to the Island to adjudicate disputes that had arisen, as to the meaning of their contract, and to induce the freedpeople to do their duty.  The freedpeople not only refuse to be governed by the decisions of these Officers, but treated them with contempt, declaring their intention to do just as they pleased.  As they were dishonestly appropriating property, beyond question belonging to Messrs McBride & Dickson, as all efforts to induce them to act rightly had failed.  I were compelled to arrest twelve of the ringleaders and confine them in Fort Pulaski where they will be kept at hard labor until such times as they shall have made up their minds to return to the Island and conduct themselves as becomes peaceful, law abiding citizens.  I regret to be compelled to pursue this course, but as Messrs McBride & Dickson