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will notice that section 7 of the act of Congress referred to makes two classes. 1st those who are in possession of land and who are given priority in the location of warrants 2d Those who have been dispossessed by the restoration of land to former owners. I propose to abolish any difficulty or confusion that might arise in consequence of this provision by furnishing the Direct Tax Commission with a list of all warrants granted, and to notify those when the last warrant is given, thereby enabling them to judge at once whether there is any land for claimants of the 2nd class - and if so, to locate their warrants. I have already brought this subject to the attention of the freedpeople interested, with a view to have them consider it carefully, and be in readiness to act as soon as practicable. You are doubtless aware, that, as a race they are slow to make up their minds, and reach a conclusion, and that it is necessary to give them time for this purpose. By the time the warrants can be prepared, I think the freedpeople will be ready to act. There are some few reasonable persons among them who will endeavor to make trouble but I have no doubt I shall be able to adjust the matter in the end, to your satisfaction, and that of all other parties interested.

I am Yours