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Sept 26th


I enclose herewith, a letter to Mrs Lambkin, directing her to pay Ephraim Smith and his wife Frances (Col'd) a fair and just compensation for their services during the four months they were in her employ, which the Asst Commr directs you to place in her hands. You are also directed to make a report to this office of the compliance or non compliance with this order -

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Eugene Pickett
Capt V.R.C.

Simmons Crawford Esq
Agent Bureau R. F. and A. L
Berzelia. Ga.

Transcription Notes:
The City of Berzelia is located in Columbia County in the State of Georgia. Ella Gertrude Walton Lamkin's home place was located on this grant, in Columbia County, this home place, "The Oaks" [plantation] from her mother, Daisy Elizabeth Lamkin)