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Oct 2d

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 24th Ulto. In reply to paragraph third directing me "to notify the State Officials who may be responsible for the care of the poor of the requirements of Circular No 10 C.S. so that they may assume the charge of such indigent refugees and freedmen as are not embraced in its exceptions", I beg leave to state, that there are no State Officials in this State responsible for the care of the Colored poor and that no provision has yet been made by the Legislature for their support. If however this was not the case, and the Justices of the Inferior Courts to of the several Counties were responsible for the case of indigent freedpeople as they are of White paupers, it would still be impossible, such is the great destitution in some parts of the State, for them to provide relief. I enclose copy of a letter from his Excellency the Governor, showing that my previous