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Agent of this Bureau, will be carefully and thoroughly investigated and justice done. That, with one exception, there is less disposition manifested in Henry Co. to treat the freedpeople with Justice, than anywhere else in the State, and that, the repetition and continuance of these outrages, which the Civil Authorities are powerless or unwilling to prevent, or punish, has necessitated the occupation of the County by Troops, who will be retained till such time as the Civil Authorities shall manifest a willingness and ability to punish crime, and administer Justice according to the laws of the State.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
W W. Deane
Brevet. Majr and A.A.G.

Andrew Sloane Esq
Henry Co. Ga.

Transcription Notes:
Deane's sending troops in to restore order, but I can't figure out the words for 'sending them in," or "pulling them out." (Im usually pretty good at military words, but ...). Kf