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with sureties to appear to answer to the charge against them at the March term U.S. Dist. Court, Northern Dist. of Ga.

Case 2.

Frequent complaints were made from Henry Co. and affidavits furnished, setting forth serious outrages upon colored people, and assault upon the Agent. and his office at McDonough. The Civil Authorities, although cognizant of the facts, and urged to take steps for the punishment of the offenders, did not do so. An orders was issued from this office Oct 2d 1866, under S.O. 44, Series 1866 H'dQrs Army, and the following men arrested.
Wm Bryan Charge Murder
Ephraim Ferguson Charge Murder & Assault
W.B. (alias Rich'd) Hilderbrand Charge Murder
W.J. Crabb Charge Assault
Wm. Tomlinson Charge Assault

They were held in confinement at Fort Pulaski until Oct 22d when they were turned over to the Civil Authorities who held them under bonds to appear at the next term of the Court for trial. 

Case 3.

State of Georgia vs Wm Fincher, (Col'd) } Pike Co. Court Vagrancy, August Term 1866