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Report of Persons Murdered and Assaulted with intent to Kill &c in the Sub. Dist. of Macon Ga. during the year 1867, by N. Sellers Hill Sub. Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L.

[[7 columned table]]
| No. | Name of Assaulted Parties etc. | Name of Offenders | Extend and Nature of Injuries Sustained | Cause of Assault | Color of Parties Inflicting Injuries | Action taken etc taken by the Civil Authorities. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |


| 1 | Aleck Smith Col'd. | W. F. Kane | Stabbed & killed | Bibb County. Attempt at Burglary | White | Warrant issued Grand Jury found no bill lives in Rutland Dist Bibb Co. |

| 2 | Polly (Col'd) | Charlotte Holt | Struck on the hand with a stone "assault" | Not known | Color'd | True Bill found, on bail not yet tried |

| 3 | Jeff Clayton Col'd. | Richard Hardemon | Stabbed | Dispute | Colored. | Four (4) years in Penitentiary |

| 4 | Isaac Wingfield Col'd. | Jonas Harris | Murdered | Dispute in Dining room [[?]] Home. | Colored | One (1) year in penitentiary |

| 5 | Tony McColly, Col'd | Thomas Cofield | Murdered | Houston County Political Disipute | White | Warrant issued and true bill found no arrest made still at large has friends in Arkansas & La. |

| 6 | Moses Gilbert & Joseph O. Pry, Col'd. | James Ivy | Murdered | Dispute | White | Same process as above Still at large |

| 7 | Anthony Thomas Col'd. | H. Haddock | Assaulted. | Leaving plantation after contracting. | White | Warrant issued, parties arrested case settled by consent of parties & Capt. Hill S.A. Comr. |