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Reports of Murders & Assaults in Thomasville Sub Dist from January 1st to 

[[7 columned table]]
| Extent of Injury | Where | Cause | Date | Action of Civil Authorities | Present whereabouts | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| killed dead  | Thomas | No cause premeditated Had threatened | about 1st of April | A warrant issued but he was not arrested | Knot Known | He was in / Gibbs to take / to take him on |

[[strikethrough]]| d to death / jail | Thomasville Irwin Co | For killing two white men in self defence | About July 1st | None | unknown but without doubt were citizens of Irwin Co | He killed two / [illegible] / Davis gone |[[/strikethrough]]

| ious. beat/ed her | Thomas | For telling a col'd boy to run & get the eggs or she (Jane) would steal them | June 1st | None could not get a "bill" jury would not hear the case | Thomas Co | struck l / Steal |

[illegible], not | Thomas | No cause given | Aug 4 | None |   | I cannot now learn who or when En / The Col'd man may be mistaken in the na / I do not think he knows who shot him |

| the highway / & drove him / woods, that | Thomas |    | Aug 13 | None | Thomas Co | Houston / to dissuade / stop until /[illegible] |

| severely /with a / | Thomas | About work | Aug 25 | Bound on to Court | Thomas Co |to drive|

| in the breast/ ably serious | Thomas | Wanted to drive him off and & take the crop | Aug 26 | None | Thomas Co | Stringer / such tria | 

Transcription Notes:
11.21.2022 This table is continued on the next page; The first column "Extent of Injury" and last column on this page "Remarks" is cut off; "/" transcribed in first and last column to signify line breaks since I can't see the rest of the contents of the column; The full table is on the next page