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Report of assaults committed upon Freedmen with intent to murder them in the Division of Cuthbert, Ga. 
from the first day of January 1868 to the 31st day of October 1868. 
Geo. R Ballon. Ag't Bureau R.F. & A.L.

[[9 Columned Table]]
| No. | Date and place of assault. | Name of party assaulted. | Extent and Nature of injury inflicted. | Cause of assault. | Name and Color of parties inflicting injuries.| By whom arrested | Nature of Punishment | Names of those at large, and their probable whereabouts |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Jany 31st 1868 Early County | David Hutchins | Killed by a shot. | Quarrel about work. | Geo. Chancey (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Geo. Chancey, at large, whereabouts unknown |

| 2 | Feb'y 3d 1868 Early County | Moses Alexander | Killed by a shot. | Unprovoked | Benj. Chancey (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Benj. Chancey at large, Supposed to be in Dale Co. Ala. |

| 3 | Feb'y 22d 1868 Early County | Jno. T. Gibson | Beaten and shot at | Colored radical and preacher | Dr. Powell Wm. Buchanan White | Civil Autys | Held to bail at instance of Military Authorities | | 
| 4 | March 4th 1868 Calhoun County | Wm. Henry Jordan | Killed by pistol shot. | Quarrel about work. | Jas. Edmondson (white) | No Arrest |   | Jas. Edmondson, at large reward offered by Governor. | 


| 5 | April 10th 1868 Randolph County| Peter Grant | Stabbed with a Knife Died Ap'l 19th 1868 | Political quarrel | Ben Holland (negro) | Civil Aut'ys | Held to Bail. |   | 

| 6 | April 11th 1868 Stewart County | Isham Harden | Killed by shot gun. | Refused to give Countersign to Sentence of Loyal League. | Ben Mathison (negro) | Civil Aut'ys | Under Bond $1000.00 |   |

| 7 | July 10th 1868 Stewart County | Abram Holman | Shot at and wounded. | Unprovoked | Jno. M. Cain (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Jno. M. Cain, Stewart Co. Ga. |
| 8 | July 17th 1868 Stewart County | Anderson Persons | Shot. and Cut. | Unprovoked | Wm. Austeen (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Wm. Austeen, Stewart Co. Ga.| 

| 9 | July 29th 1868 Early County | Jeff Smith | Shot at wounded and Beaten life saved by friends. | Unprovoked | Lou. Garner (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Lou Garner, Early Co. Ga. |

| 10 | Aug't 5th 1868 Clay County | Carrie Richardson | Knocked down & beaten with Club Eyes gouged. life saved by friends. | Unprovoked | Allen Dosier (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Allen Dosier, in either Calhoun or Randolph Co's. | 

| 11 | Aug't 21st 1868 Stewart County | Dock Porter and others | Shot at and wounded Life saved by flight | Unprovoked | Jno. M. Cain (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Jno. M. Cain, Stewart Co. Ga. | 

| 12 | Aug't 24th 1868 Quitman County | Chas. Johnson | Beaten with club. Cut with Knife, life saved by flight. | Unprovoked | Wm. Jackson (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Wm. Jackson, Quitman Co. Ga. | 

| 13 | Aug't 25th 1868 Quitman County | Daniel Brown | Knocked down and beaten with cart stake, life saved by friends | Unprovoked | Dr. Christian (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Dr. Christian Quitman Co. Ga. | 

| 14 | Aug't 27th 1868 Randolph County | Allen Thornton | Shot at and assaulted with an axe. life saved by flight | Unprovoked | Valentino Smith (white) | No Arrest | No Punishment | Valentino Smith Randolph Co. | 

Transcription Notes:
11.27.2022 - The summaries for these incidents in much more legible handwriting is found on Pages 204, 211, 212, 213, 214 of this project, using these summaries to cross-match and confirm names and details