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[[9 Columned Table]]
| No | Date & place of assault | Names of parties assaulted. | Extent & nature of Injury | Cause of assault | Names and color of parties inflicting injury. | By whom arrested | Nature of punishment | Names & places of those at large. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | committed on her, she was committed & not being able to give security for her appearance at Court she was put in Jail, remained there several months & was finally released, William Doler dropping the prosecution against her by her dropping the prosecution against him for assault & battery |   |

| 16 | Dougherty Co. May 29 | Sam. Boseman cold | Was struck down insensible & disabled to work several weeks by a blow with a hoe on the back of the neck. | Quarrel about the use of a mule | Jack Wright cold | The assaulted party did not wish to prosecute the case in the Civil Courts, wanted the assailant punished by the Bureau Agent, which was refused. | None. | Jack Wright cold. Dougherty Co |

| 17. | Baker Co. April 18. | George Rhea cold. | Was shot through one hand with a pistol ball | Political Quarrel | Louis - cold at Travers Mill | No arrest. | None | None. |

| 18. | Dougherty Co July 27. | Ann Hampton cold. | Was beat over the head with a heavy stick, considerably bruised | Quarrel about work | James Hall white | No arrest. James Hall had left the county before the warrant was [[strikethrough]] could be [[/strikethrough]] executed | None | Not known. |

| 19. | Dougherty Co August 10. | Roland Carswell cold. | Was struck twice with a light wood knot, showed fight, was then attacked with a knife run off & was a few nights afterwards when he came back to the plantation fired at with a shotgun in jumping out of the widow of the house his wife lives in. | Unruly indecent and impudent answers to the civil questions of his employer. | Charles Mc Farland | No arrest. Roland Carswell became an accomplice in stealing a cow from another cold man & being about to be detected left for parts unknown. | None | [[strikethrough]] Dougherty County [[/strikethrough]] Unknown |

| 20. | Lee Co. Aug. 17. | Jackson Smith cold | Was struck several times while running, fired at with a double barrelled shot gun but not injured. | Quarrel about work | Laing Bailey & Gus Brack. | No arrest. The County Court being abolished & no Judicial Officers being known to the Agent here no immediate action was taken in the case. | None | Lee County. |

| 21. | Dougherty Co. Aug. 29. | Andrew Harris cold & Washington Harris cold minors | Andrew was struck over the head twice with a big hickory stick [[strikethrough]] knocked [[/strikethrough]] fell down insensible. Such wound of the integuments of the skull. Washington received a lick on the hand & across the hips. Both unable to work for some time | Both boys had received permission from their father, who works for a share in the crop, not to work on a Saturday evening. The overseer Tryce found them at the house after dinner & as they refused to go to work he beat them as stated | Anderson Tryce (white) | Arrest by Civil authority at the instance of the Agent of the Bureau. | Committed & bound over to Court. N.B. The father of the boys George Harris who prosecuted A Tryce has been discharged & driven from the place with his boys after working up to Aug. 31 without any settlement or one cent of pay for his labor. |

| 22. | Lee County. Aug. 31. | Wilson Carter | Struck on the head with a gun the integuments separated to the skull & attacked with a knife afterwards. | Came a short time after the other hands to the field & being asked by the overseer what was the matter said "Nothing", a quarrel ensued & the result was as reported. | John Allen white | At the time this Complaint was made, no proper Civil authorities were in existence in Lee Co, the Case was lately referred to Dr T McF. Moore Notary Public Starksville Lee County but has not been heard from since. | - | - |

Transcription Notes:
integument - a tough outer protective layer, especially that of an animal or plant.