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[[9 columned table]]
| No. | Date & place of assault | Name of parties assaulted | Extent & nature of Injury | Cause of assault | Names & color of parties inflicting injury | By whom arrested | Nature of punishment | Names & places of those at large |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 23. | Calhoun Co. August 30 | Hamitt King | Was taken from her house to the woods after light laid across a log and received about 50 lashes with boards & switches from McCracken, Collier & Hendrick on her narked body her clothing being pulled over her head by George Wooten. Was immediately afterwards repeatedly & severely kicked, stamped, & gauged by McCracken and bit by his dog while she was laying on the floor he stamping & kicking her & finally he drew his pistol at her & was going to shoot her but was prevented by Wooten & Avery. | Called a child of Mr John Collier, which she was nursing, thoughtlessly a little [[strikethrough]] negro [[/strikethrough]] mulatto, apologized for it all she could but was subject to the punishment stated. | McCracken, late Sheriff of Calhoun Co. (white) the principal assailant John Collier white Henry Kendrick white done the whipping | No arrest No warrant could be issued only on affidavit made before an officer of Calhoun Co. Hamitt King was made to promise never to divulge the treatment she received & told if she did she would be killed. She ran away from Morgan the same night & has been ever since in Albany Ga but can not be persuaded to enter Calhoun Co. again, hence an arrest impossible. | None. | In Calhoun County |

| 24. | Baker County Septbr 15 | Sam Mason | Was beat with a heavy stick and his thigh bone fractured | Quarrel amongst their children in which the parents participated. | Troup Porter col'd | Referred to W.H. Odom Justice of Peace Newton Baker Co. Ga. Result of trial unknown | - | - |

| 25. | Lee County Septbr 15 | Edmond Johnson | Was struck with the fist in the face, kicked, pursued with an open knife in the hand of the assailant who when reaching his house got his gun & fired at him twice. | In significant deviation from Orders received by his employer | H. Calloway white | Referred to Dr. Francis Mr F. Moore Starksville Ga (notary Public) for committment trial but not heard from since. | - | - |

| 26. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | A.B. Collins [[strikethrough]] Monroe Jurdan [[/strikethrough]] | Killed | 1) The political hatred and fired determination of James Johns, a citizen of Camilla, who fired the first shot at the colored drummers & fifers to excite a difficulty with the colored republicans for the purpose of preventing the previously announced political meeting & speaking of the Republicans at the Courthouse of Camilla on September 19, 1868. 2) The prompt support which this action of James Johns received from the people assembled at Camilla that day, who ostensibly as the Sheriffs posse and under the pretence that an armied organization of republicans in violation of the Governors proclamation was entering their town, did not hesitate but seemed to exult in not only following the example of James Johns, whom they represent as having seen drunk on that day, by firing into the assemblage of the colored people but also routing & chasing the unarmed and unresisting fugitives and chasing them down, while running for their lives, and sometime even after having been wounded, overtaken and after having surrendered themselves to their mercy. Hence this catalogue of bloody and | James Johns white Poore Sheriff of Mitchel Co. & his posse consisting of all the citizens of Camilla present on that day. Not known who was present. | No arrest. | No punishment. | All in Camilla & Mitchel Co. |

| 27. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | Robert Morrison | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 28. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | Barney Morris | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 29. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | John Watson | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 30. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | Morris Orr There is a however a probability that Barney Morris is the same person but it is not definitely ascertained | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 31. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | James Ingraham | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 32. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | Doc Polhill | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 33. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | Daniel Childs | Killed at his house on Tinsleys plantation 5 miles from Camilla on Saturday night by disguised white men |   |   |   |   |   |

| 34. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | John Scarborough perhaps the same as John Slaughter | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 35. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | Cherry Davis | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 36. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | John Slaughter | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

| 37. | Mitchel County Septbr 19 | Thom Washington | Killed |   |   |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
11.17.2022 - I believe the contents for the last 5 columns of entry No. 26 applies to No. 27-37 but without ditto marks I did not transcribe/include that contents for those rows; Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review