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[[9 columned table]]
| No. | Date & place of assault | Name of parties assaulted | Extent & nature of injury | Cause of assault | Names & color of parties inflicting injury | By whom arrested | Nature of punishment | Names & places of those at large |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 53 | Baker Co. Septbr 26 | Isom Porter | Was dragged out of his house beaten & shot through the thigh | Was a preacher and president of a Republican Club | Three unknown white men | No arrest | None | Baker Co |

| 54 | Baker Co. Septbr ? | Sam Peter | Was severely beaten, so that medical attention became necessary | Sam Peter proposed to whip his child himself instead of letting James Porter (white) whip it. | James Porter white James Whitcomb white Calvin Carrey white | No arrest | None | Baker Co. |

| 55 | Calhoun Co. Septbr 29 | - | Was shot through the lower part of the leg b | Was suspicioned of being one out of six colored men engaged in drilling a company secretly | Unknown The Shot was fired at him from the woods on the roadside in day time | No arrest. | None | Calhoun Co. |

| 56 | Dougherty Co Septbr 29 | Tammy Gilmore | Was severely beaten with a club & bruised considerably in different parts | Was suspicioned of having circulated slanderous reports about the assailant & his wife | James Roby, white Dep Marshal of Albany | The case was referred by the Bureau Agent to D.S. Meade Justice of Peace at Albany Ga but no report as to the action taken in the case has been received. | None |   |

| 57 | Baker Co Octbr 6 | Bery Jackson | Was chased & frequently shot at but escaped unhurt | Professed to be a Radical in Politics, when asked about it. | _ King white _ Strain white B Foot white | No arrest. The assaulted party being afraid to return to Baker Co it was impossible to bring on a comittment trial | None | Baker Co. |

| 58 | Baker Co Octbr 6 | Hampton _ ? laborer on B Foots plantation | Was chased & frequently shot & overtaken & probably wounded or killed at the same time & occasion in with company with Bery Jackson | Professed to be a Radical |  The same parties | No arrest The case was reported by Bery Jackson | None | Baker Co. |

| 59 | Dougherty Co Octbr 10. | Wash. Gullet | Shot through the neck & killed | Assailant claims to have caught him in the act of killing one of his pigs | Perry Walters, white | By Sheriff of Dougherty Co. but set at liberty next day as at the Coroners Inquest no testimony, except his own admission to other parties that he killed Wash. Gullet would be obtained | None | Dougherty Co. |

Transcription Notes:
11.18.2022 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review