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Report of Freedpeople Murdered and assaulted with intent to kill in the Sub District of Columbus, Georgia from January 14th 1868 to November 8th 1868.

[[6 columned table]]
| Name of Person Murdered or Assaulted | Name and Color of Person committing murder or assault. | Date | County | Nature and Extent of Inquiry | Remarks | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| Kinchen Thweat | Nathaniel Fuller, white | January 20th | Meascogee | Pistol shot in the neck, severe. | There was no cause for the assault. Fuller was tried in the Superior Court and acquitted. |

| Unknown, Freedman | Spivey White | May | Macon | Shot and killed | Spivey shot the Freedman without any cause, he left before being arrested. Present whereabouts unknown.|

| Thomas Thompson | C. C. Fickling, White | June 1st | Marion | Shot and killed. | An inquest was held and a verdict of "killed in self defence" was rendered. Fickling left, and his present residence is unknown. |

| Unknown Freedman | Unknown White man | July | Muscogee | Shot and killed. | The Freedman was caught horse stealing. The murderer was brought before a magistrate and acquitted. |

| John Brown | Andrew H. Hamrick, white | July 3rd | Troup | Stabbed severely | The difficulty originated about some work. Hamrick is under bonds to answer before the Superior Court. |

| Harriet Grady | William Grady and Lewis Grady White | August 4th | Harris | Whipped very severely | Harriet had left a place because she did not get enough to eat. Warrants were issued but have not been served. The parties are living in Harris County. |

| Henry Pitts | Mike - colored | Sept. 3rd | Muscogee | Severely cut with a knife. | Cause unknown. Mike ran away and his whereabouts is unknown. |