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brothers. No arrests. Parties at large in Calhoun County.
No. 28. May 10th. in Lee County, Little Scrutchins was killed by several blows with an axe, for being a Republican, by an unknown party, No action by Civil Authorities.
No. 29. May 11th in Mitchell County, Nelson Halloway & family, were without provocation, attacked in their house at night, by about twenty persons, unknown, who fired about one hundred shots into the house. No action by Civil Authorities.
No. 30. May 19th. in Sumter County, Sallie Picket was wounded slightly in the face by a pistol ball, without provocation by Peter Ceaghan (wh.); arrested by Civil authorities and placed under bond, of $300 00/100 for appearance at next term of Superior Court.
No. 31. May 23d in Dougherty County, Henry Clay Caswell was shot in the head and slightly wounded, by R Bray (wh.) for having complained to the Agent of this Bureau, that his wages had not been paid him by his employer, and having been sent back by the Agent of the Bureau with a summons, after having been told by WC Bray, not to come on his plantation again. Robert Bray was arrested by the Civil Authorities at the instance of this Bureau. No trial; the Grand Jury failing to find a bill. Caswell was sentenced