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No. 139. August 25th in Jackson County,
Ben Simson was beaten & a pistol drawn on him by Jno Jordon, (wh.) cause unknown, case referred to Civil Authorities, no action taken, Jordan at large in Jackson, Co. 

No. 140. August 25th in Clarke County,
Sim. Jackson was beaten with a club, by Harry Towns (Bailiff, (wh.) cause unknown, case referred to civil authorities, no action taken, Towns at large in Jackson, Co. near Athens. 

No. 141. August 25th in Clarke County.
John Strong was beaten with a club by Richard Walker (wh.) cause unknown, case referred to Civil Authorities, no action taken  Walker at large in Clarke Co. 

No. 142. August 29th in Clarke County
Mary Walker, was beaten and her life was threatened by Samuel Pruitt (wh) because Walker's son beat Pruitt's son, case referred to Civil Authorities, no action taken, Pruitt at large at Athens, Clarke Co. 

No. 143. September 4th in Clarke County.
John Thomas, had a gun drawn on him by Saml Brittain, (wh.) cause unknown, case turned over to Civil Authorities, no action, Brittain at large in Clarke County. 

No. 144. September 7th in Clarke County 
Jane Johnson, beaten with a club by Sidney Ward, (wh.) cause unknown, case referred to Civil Authorities no action, Brittain at large in Clarke Co


Transcription Notes:
11.27.2022 - The details of these incidents are included in the report found on pages 122 and 123 of this project;