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Sub. District of Atlanta.
Maj. Fred. Mosebach SA Comr.

No. 264. Fulton Co, Mar. 19th John Tillman was shot & wounded by James Harper (Wh.) no cause assigned. Harper arrested and bound over for trial.

No. 265. Fulton Co. July 21st Dorsey Brooks was struck with an axe over the head by Webster Tompkins (Col'd) in consequence Brooks died. Tompkins arrested & held for trial.

No. 266. Fulton Co. July 27th. Desarius Jones shot & killed by Homer Wallace (Col'd) Committed but not yet tried.

No. 267. Henry Co. Sept 30th. Peter Turner shot by a disguised party, Died two days afterwards. Murderers not yet found out.

No. 268. Campbell Co. October 12th. William Latham was stabbed and killed by his employer Thomas Latham. Thomas Latham was acquitted by a coroner's jury, but through the interference of the Bureau, was re-arrested & bound over for trial.

No. 269. DeKalb Co. Oct. Tom Pate was shot & wounded by Henry Austin (White) an assistant of the Sheriff of DeKalb Co. No action by Civil Authorities

No. 270. Forsythe Co. May. John Lambert was attacked by a party of white men who broke into his house at night, and shot at the inmates. Parties bound over for trial.