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Detroit, Michigan,
May 14th, 1901.

Dear Truman:--

I am very sorry, indeed, that we could not get together, before my departure, to look over Mr. Kahn's plans for the changes in the Clubhouse. His preliminary sketches are now finished, and, as a last resort, I tried to catch you at the Yondotega at noon to-day, where I took the plans. 

Reuben saw them, and thinks the working features are excellent. A few of the members who were present and saw them were delighted with the drawings.

I said to Mr. Kahn to make the entrance to the toilet room by way of the porch. To make the side walls and the floor of kitchen entirely of tiles would cost about $400.00. This I approve of. Mr. Kahn showed me a sample of large,red tiles of English manufacture, which I think would be excellent for the floor of the dining-room. He has two plans for the up-stairs part, both of which are good. One shows three rooms for servants, the other two rooms for servants, both provide for dressing room and shower for members. Whichever of these two suits you best will be entirely agreeable to me.

In this letter, I am using the personal pronoun plenti-