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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan, 
August 16th, 1901.

Charles F. Reid, General Agent,
American Express Company, 
Detroit, Michigan.
Dear Sir:-
I regret that I am compelled again to trouble you con-cerning the shipment of packages forwarded by your Company from Detroit, consigned to Naples, Italy. I find that instead of discharging the packages at Naples, which is the first Italian port touched by the North German Lloyd Steamers, they are carried on to Genos, are discharged there, and then reshipped by rail-road slow freight to Naples. The result is that extra charges are incurred, and a loss of time averaging about one month occurs. During my recent visit to Naples, I called upon Messrs. E. G. Vickers & Company, your agents there, and they informed me that all the packages I have sent through your Company have been taken by the Nortdutcher Lloyd Steamers to Genoa, and that it is beyond their power to correct this nuisance. I enclose herwith for your examination a bill from Messrs. E. G. Vickers & company, dated May 15th, showing charges from Genoa to Naples, lire 12.45, also a letter from Messrs. E. G. Vickers & Company, dated June