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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
August 19th, 1901. 

Mr dear Mr. Barney:--
I returned home recently from a three months' absence, and found your good letter of May 1st awaiting my return.
I am glad that young Mr Rochester of Dayton came to Detroit, met Mr. King, the Manager of the American Car & Foundry Company's Pressed Steel plant, and is now at work under Mr. King. Mr. King tells me that he believes the young gentleman has ability, and that with experience he will become a very useful man. 

How and where are you spending these warm days? Comfortably, I hope. What a relief you must feel from the former necessity of chasing around after car contracts, regardless of health, wealth or inclination. 

I am doing my best to faithfully follow an idle occupation. When in this city, I hope you will drop in at the above address, and help me with my herculean occupations. 

With kindest regards, 
Sincerely yours, 
Charles L. Freer

E.J. Barney, Esq.,
Dayton, Ohio.