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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Mich., 
August 23rd, 1901.

My dear Mr. Eyre:--

An hour ago, I was surprised and delighted to have a hasty glimpse at the first three numbers of your new magazine, entitled "House and Garden". It is a happy thought and charming result. Let me congratulate you, and kindly have my name entered as a subscriber, beginning with Vol. I No.I. The enclosed draft for $5.00 is for the first year, and I hope I may for many years to come have the pleasure of renewing my subscription.

I returned last week from another delightful visit to Southern Italy. I have an interest in an old villa on Capri, and, thinking it might interest you, I enclose herewith a photograph or two taken in our garden.

You are very well, I trust.
With kindest regards,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Wilson Eyre, Jr.,
Care, The Architectural Publishing Co.,
#929 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
P.S. I find it will be more convenient to send the photos under seperate cover.