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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 24th, 1901.

Miss Alice D. Jenkins,
Seymour Building, #503 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Dear Madam:--

Your good letter of the 19th instant is received, and fully noted. I have just had another interview with Prof. Griffith of the Detroit Museum of Art, have shown him your letter and circulars, and the result is as follows:--
After full consideration of the traditions and experience of other lecturers in Detroit, we fear that the people of our city would fail to rise as they should to either of Prof. Fenollosa's courses of lectures. On the other hand, we believe that three different lectures, if they could be arranged for, and if given under the auspices of the Detroit Museum of Art, and in its own building, during the month of December next, would be successful. Mr. Griffith will write you within a day or two successful. Mr. Griffith will write you within a day or two fully on the subject, proposing that the lectures be as follows:
"A Comparison of European and Asiatic Art"
One lecture with two lanterns, $100.00