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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.,
August 26th, 1901.

D. Heinemann, Esq.,
#2 Pringregentenstr,
Munich, Germany.

Dear Sir:--

Your esteemed letter of the 17th instant, which was forwarded addressed to me at Capri, along with a photograph of the picture by Salinas, arrived at Capri after my departure therefrom, and was forwarded to my home in this city. The illustrated catalogue of your winter exhibition at Nice, mentioned in your letter, has not yet come to hand. The photograph received shows the painting to be, undoubtedly, an important work of art. It is not, however, in harmony with the kind of paintings I collect, and for this reason I would not care to purchase it. I am, however, none the less obliged to your for your kindness, and, as requested, I return the photograph to your address as above, under separate cover.

I was in Munich for a few days about the middle of July, and, if at that time I had known of your establishment I certainly would have given myself the pleasure of calling upon you.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer