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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
August 27th, 1901. 

Dear Thayer:--
Your belated but welcome letter came this morning, and I hasten to reply. 

I am delighted to have been thought of in connection with the Capri "portrait",and your description of the painting makes me itch the more. I am so glad that I am to have the "first go" at the painting, and whenever you bring your mind to the point of parting with it, kindly send it to me here addressed as above. I am taking the liberty of sending you enclosed herewith check on New York, payable to your order for $1,000.00, to apply on the picture. The balance, whatever it may be, we can, I am sure, arrange for satisfactorily in the future. 

It pleases me mightily to have you go so vigorously for Philadelphia's Solar Plexus. The sugar and water concoction so freely offered by Morris is a very weak tonic, so "Clara May" shall be protected from the vacant stares of the provincial gallants of Philadelphia, and after the close of the Buffalo Exposition, she will be called home to preside in her sanctum sanctorum. 

I fear we are too late in our answer to the Studio, as