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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, 
September 19,1901.

Wilson Eyre, Jr.,
#929 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.

My dear Mr. Eyre: -
Your kind letter of the 13th is received, and fully noted. I will look through the Capri photographs, and if I find in the lot anything of interest, I will have them forwarded to you to-morrow or next day. I have been so much rushed with personal matters the last four or five days that I have found it impossible to make the rough plan of Villa Castello, but will do so sometime during the next week.

I am leaving to-day for a little trip to the White Mountains and to the Southern Berkshires, and shall be absent from home from ten days to two weeks. Sometime during that period, I will make a rough sketch, and forward the same to you.

I am glad that you are to do some work at Lenox. The whole Berkshire County is certainly very beautiful, and it will be refreshing to see some of your work in that lovely country. I am interested in a farm (?), running up most charmingly on the